Are you thinking about hiring a marketing agency for your business? Do you want a local marketing agency? I guess you’re considering it, as you’ve clicked on this article. Maybe you need persuading? Well, it could be so much better keeping it local. There are loads of benefits to using a local marketing agency. Every business wants to know what’s best for them. You want to know how to save money right? And how to get a good deal? As well as growing your business potential? All whilst feeling good about your brand? All these things can be achieved with a local marketing agency. Learn the reasons why you should consider looking local when hiring in this article.
Get ahead of your competitors who spend their money outside their community. You can share your profits sustainably, in your local area. This is becoming more and more important with so much money going online. Lots of people source services and goods online. That money goes straight out of your pocket, into a bigger pocket, than you can imagine. It’s time to support the smaller businesses.
You might not know, but you could find a better agency on your doorstep, than online after hours of searching. A local marketing agency could be the perfect fit for you. There are many reasons why. If you’d like to know, continue reading.
You Can Meet a Local Marketing Agency Easily
One of the first reasons a local marketing agency is better is because simply, it is more practical. There will be no need to catch a train or drive hours to meet the team you want to hire. If they are local, you can easily meet up to talk over a coffee and discuss business plans. This way, you can get a feel for the agency before committing. And, no money or huge amounts of time is lost if it doesn’t work.

You could also meet them at your base. You could introduce them to your workspace, so they know where you are. Or, you could meet them where they work. That is if they do have office space. Not all marketing agencies will have offices. This is because it’s not always essential. People can work remotely, especially in this field of work. Plus, the coronavirus has taught so many of us that we can work from home. This allows savings on both rent and transport. This potentially means more profit fed into investing in your business.
Wherever you decide to meet, you can be sure it won’t be far. You can have in-person, regular catch-ups, to discuss your marketing strategy. Lots of people will be looking to do this more often now restrictions are starting to lift. Being able to go somewhere and talk in person, can have such a different dynamic than on a video call. So, get ahead of your competitors. You can get offline for an afternoon. Get to know your local marketing agency and build a relationship.
Having strong bonds in the workplace is so important. Never underestimate the value of good working relationships. It can turn business into a pleasure.
A Local Marketing Agency Can Get You Local Opportunities
Another benefit of using a local marketing agency is the fact that they know your area. They can find things for your business that no other marketing agency could. Local agencies know what is going on! They will know the opportunities to get you. The new links and businesses they can connect you with are priceless. You can create new connections with the local businesses.
Having a local support bubble is great. It is so good knowing the people around you have your back. As I’ve mentioned already, this year has been so odd. It has changed the way businesses work and the importance of local support has grown enormously.
Your local marketing agency will also care about you. They care about the businesses around them, as well as the location itself. So, knowing their motives is reassuring. Trust is built when someone wants to push your growth to its boundaries, for reasons beyond personal profit. A local marketing agency will be more invested in bettering the local economy than any other would.
Chances are, they will already have connections. These could be connections you don’t have and would never have thought to seek out. Being a local marketing agency means they will already have a relationship with businesses in the area. They know the industry and the industry knows them. So, they won’t just be finding new connections, they might already have them. Being provided with immediate links and an immediate support group is one brilliant reason to choose a local marketing agency.
For us, at Driven Media Solutions, we are based in Worcester. Kieran Evans our Media Director, has written a blog about being based in Worcester. It is clear there is a passion for the place within the company. That is the kind of spirit that encourages positivity and growth.
They Might Be Cheaper and Better Than You Expect
You aren’t looking at a big shot agency. A local marketing agency won’t dry your pockets before lining them. Chances are, they will have a lower quote for you than a bigger agency would. Not only are you being offered local connections, but you also won’t be stretched on the budget.
Overcharging in a small community creates a bad image. No one wants to create a bad reputation in their local area, as they will never get a job again. So, they will be invested in getting you the best deal at the best price.
Don’t assume that local means, not top standard. There are some big agencies with lots of client history, but your local marketing agency could be just as qualified. The likelihood is, they will be very skilled.
Another benefit of potentially starting with a newer marketing agency is, they aren’t stuck in their ways. We have all met those people too stuck on one path, to realise there could be a better route. This can happen with marketing agencies. Once they find one marketing strategy that works, they might stick to it. And as we’ve said before, marketing is very complex. There is no one way to do it. Not one strategy will be right for every business. So, it can be great to have a fresh set of eyes, willing to try out new things for you.
You’re Supporting Local Businesses
This one seems obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. By choosing to hire a local marketing agency, you’re supporting local businesses. That is a real feel-good moment. When you have got to the stage in your business that you can help others around you, that’s amazing. It shows great growth when you invest back into your area. Keep the local economy strong and you will more likely see a full circle. The benefits will come back to you.

Again, the odds are, the agency won’t be huge. It could be a small team you are hiring, unlike in a non-local agency, with lots of employees. The agency won’t be so diluted and each individual will genuinely care. Therefore, investing in that company is not only supporting the local economy but also local individuals.
You might even know them already! How cool would that be? You could already have a great understanding of how their business works. Or you could get word of mouth reviews from other local businesses who have worked with them. There is no better way of understanding a company, than hearing from those who have worked with them before. It’s so much easier getting this feedback from a local business compared to reading reviews online.
Something we have all learnt this year is the importance of local business. Personal experience and national news have shown how difficult it has been. Covid-19 has hit the UK hard. I think it’s safe to say we are all ready to help those businesses affected. We all need to help each other recover and get back to growth.
You Can Conduct Due Diligence More Easily With a Local Marketing Agency
Our final benefit of using a local marketing agency is that you can conduct due diligence easily. You can ask those tough questions face to face. They can be honest and answer well. They understand the local customers in a way that a non-local agency never could. Also, they can understand your competitors on a closer level and see what your field of business looks like.
If there is something you don’t understand, it’s unlikely they will be rushing off to see another client. Set time aside to meet and conduct due diligence. Discuss the topics you want to go over and have more control over the conversation.
This stage of business helps you understand the risks of the future. Learn what they are and how to deal with them. Whilst learning who the marketing agency is. Investigate the agency before settling on a deal. No more confusing emails, potential scams, or poor Wi-Fi connections. Meet in person, then decide how you feel.
Figure out if your goals and aims fit with theirs. Do they seem like the right suit? Are they listening to you and considering what you want? Are they coming up with good suggestions? All these questions are so much easier to answer when meeting with a local marketing agency.
We have just looked at multiple reasons to consider a local marketing agency. The benefits outweigh any reasons not to hire locally. But all in all, it is your decision. Your business is your baby. Invest where you think is best. But do consider all the advantages listed in this article.
If you like the sound of all the things I’ve mentioned, check out your local marketing agency. Shop around to find the one for you. Then feel good when you know you’ve found the one and know at the same time, you are doing good. For more reasons why you should support local businesses read here.
I hope you choose the right marketing agency for you. Good luck with your search!