Writing content for a blog is exciting. You have a space to write about what you love. However, it can be challenging. Especially when your creative flow dips. We all have bouts of writer’s block. Or even just a broad creative block. No idea what to post next. Your blog goes quiet. You don’t know how to come up with blog ideas. Your audience loses interest. Stress spiral and you’re stuck!

That is a very familiar story for so many. But there are ways to get around this block. Hopefully, I will be able to give some advice and break that block with you. I have a few ideas that could help your blog. Read on if you’d like to find out more.


Make a Content Calendar For Blog Ideas:

This is a great way to see how to come up with blog ideas. Having a calendar sets up a schedule. You can see clearly what ideas you have and when you could post them.

In those brilliant moments of mass creativity, get all your ideas down. Even if it is just in a notepad, or on your phone. Write down every thought that crosses your mind. You can then filter through this to make a more comprehensive list. Sort through the good ideas, then expand on them.

Make a rough guide for yourself. You could use a bullet point list or a spider diagram. I know these are all techniques we learnt in school, but they can help. If you are a visual person, this kind of layout could make things so much more approachable. Then, there won’t be the scary blank page to face when you come to writing.

Make a Schedule For Your Blog Ideas

Once you have a rough guide, plan when you want to post. Figure out a routine. Do you have enough ideas to post twice a week? Or are you happier posting just on Sundays? Or even, once a month. Whatever you think you can achieve, make it your goal. Set it up in your calendar. Then decide which ideas you want to write for when. Plan to post regularly from your bank of ideas.

Prepare blog articles before the last minute. It can be so useful to have a piece prepared. To get interactivity with your audience, you want to be consistent. It’s like posting on social media. If your content pops up in people’s feeds, they won’t forget about you. For your blog, a reminder email popping up once a week will encourage your readers to check out your latest posts.

I know whenever I see an email I click. I love to see the new posts of blogs I’m subscribed to.

Once you are on this structured creative streak, you won’t stop! Having that boost start can help you come up with more blog ideas. Get the ball rolling. Then chase it as far as it goes. You might even realise; you want to write about things you’d never thought to write before!

Still Unsure?

If you don’t know where to start, don’t stress. Type in a quick search online. Google ‘content calendar’ and loads of sites will come up. You could even just click through images. Sift through the various images of perfect, pretty schedules, and find one you like the look of. Then take it from there. You can draw one out by hand, or simply on a Word doc. Or if you’re techier than me, make a highly detailed, well organised, plan with hundreds of columns! Whatever you’re into.

I hope if you do start a content calendar it helps you come up with blog ideas. Even if the calendar doesn’t last forever, at least you get a stretch of organised posts. This way the stress of facing your blog, won’t feel so huge. There is always less pressure posting a blog when you aren’t returning from a quiet period. So, the schedule can help you figure out how to come up with blog ideas.


See What Your Competitors Are Doing To Get Blog Ideas

My next tip is, see what your competitors are doing. Be sneaky! Search for blogs like yours. Type in keywords, or topics you focus on. Then search around. It’s ok to be inspired. But never copy. I think that’s pretty obvious, but I don’t want anyone getting in trouble! Completely original ideas a quite rare.

So, if you write an article someone else has already done, don’t stress. It’s ok. You could be in love with a book you just read and find someone else who had your same thoughts. It’s frustrating, but also exciting. You are not alone. There could be a whole world of people like you. There could be a group of writers who are interested in the same things.

But as I said, don’t copy! It’s vital to not steal ideas from other creators. We are all in the same business, trying to thrive. There is space for everyone, without stepping on each other’s toes.

Also, checking out what other people post, is supporting them. You give their blog a read, maybe even comment. Then, they might come and check yours out. They might have a better way of laying out their blog. Or a different platform to create their website on. These are all good things to know. Because you could then change and develop your blog if you prefer another way. It can also help you figure out how to come up with blog ideas.

After Reading for Blog Ideas

After all that future reading, don’t feel down. If your writer’s block is still in full force, use it. One of the most common ways to break it is to write about it. You could take a new view on your blog. Write what it is like to be a writer. Talk about the struggles of being creative. How hard it is to make new content. With the internet being so full and rich, it can sometimes be a barrier to creativity. Write about that. Your audience might even relate. Then a connection is forged between you and them.


Read More Blogs To Get Ideas

This is quite similar to the last tip. But don’t just read what you like. Read beyond your topics. Look for things that you don’t know much about. Don’t waste time reading things that completely bore you, but do explore. It can be so inspirational to see what else is out there. Getting excited by learning new things is so fun. It always makes me feel like a child, in the best way. You could even check out what we post on our blog!

If you don’t find anything you like, at least you have learnt something. This way, you will subconsciously get better at writing anyway. New techniques and better language will filter through into your blog. A well-read writer is the best you can get. I know some people say not to read things like what you write. For example, poets should not read other people’s poetry. But I think that’s mad. You’re not going to be poisoned by some new view. You can only broaden your understanding of your work.

Finding new topics and subjects that you enjoy, could urge you to expand your blog.

Again, this is like my last point, but you could find writers like you. After checking out someone else’s blog and deciding you like it, you can comment and subscribe. Maybe even a small self-promo! If it seems appropriate. Something like “loved this piece, I wrote something similar on my blog, you can check it out if you like”. Then add a link to your site.

Whatever you do, there is no harm in reading more. Nothing bad can come from investing some time into other bloggers!


Research What’s Going on in Your Industry:

What do I mean by that? Well, I assume you have a rough idea of your niche. If you don’t that’s ok. Knowing how to come up with blog ideas does become easier when you know.

Let’s assume you do. You have written a few articles. Enjoyed the process. Now stuck not knowing what to write next. Your knack for knowing how to come up with blog ideas has dimmed. My advice is… research! Ok, I hear you saying isn’t that what I’ve just been saying. But no, this research, can be more specific. For example, if you have written posts on beauty, research more in your field. Whether that is fashion, makeup, hair, etc. find out what’s going on. Look for the latest trends and get inspired from there.

Maybe there is a new style of eyebrow coming. Write about it! Tell your readers your opinion. Maybe reflect upon past trends, what it is today, your favourites and least favourites? Or maybe shoulder pads are on the rise again. Make sure you get an angle on that. Even if your thoughts are controversial, someone out there will agree. Or you will stir the pot of beauty bloggers!

This could be totally off. Maybe you write about cars or plumbing or even skydiving. Whatever you like, research. You could even think about interviews. I know this can sound quite intimidating, but it could be useful. If someone in your field of writing has recently done something interesting, try contacting them. You don’t necessarily need to meet up for a coffee with your dictaphone. You could just send a couple of questions in an email. Then ask for permission to use their responses in your piece.

If You Don’t Know Your Niche

My advice for if you don’t know your niche is, don’t stress. It’s hard finding your pattern. Knowing exactly what you want to write about isn’t always straightforward. Get to know what you like. What do you enjoy? What do you find easy to talk about with friends and family? What do you like reading about?

Choose something to try. See if you can come up with a few post ideas. Then write them. You now already know how to come up with blog ideas one way. If you have never posted before, and you are searching for advice on how to start. Figure out what you love.


If you want to learn about your audience or the data behind your site, we have a perfect blog post. It shows you 7 marketing campaign tools, that could help give you better insights into your blog. This could help you learn how to come up with blog ideas, as you can see what people like. The insights can show the bounce rates on your page. They can show where people are reading from etc. So, you can see the figures for each post and see which are most popular. Then figure out what topics get the most clicks.

Overall, learn what you like. All these tips should help you find out how to come up with blog ideas. Then help you write them. This advice should take some of the stress and pressure off. There is no need to feel worried about your blog space. I hope you break from your creative or writer’s block and get your blog back to how you like it.