B2B Leads are one of the most commonly used methods for businesses to target new customers. By utilising them, sales teams are finding themselves able to generate more business and decrease the cost and time-per-sale. On top of this, pre-bought B2B leads are very versatile, with options available for most conceivable B2B campaigns.
In this article, we’re going to take you through everything that we know about B2B leads. Through reading this article, you will be able to learn about how you can generate these leads and how you can go about finding a great supplier for B2B leads if you’re unable to generate the leads yourself. This is the Complete Guide to B2B Leads for 2024.
What Are B2B Leads?
Starting simply, we’ll look into what B2B leads actually are. What are they? Well, they’re like any other lead, but in this instance they are businesses that are specifically interested in the services that you provide. B2B means Business-to Business and as a result refers to interactions between two businesses.
The alternative to these types of leads are B2C leads, with B2C standing for Business-to-Consumer. From the name, it can be inferred that B2C leads are non-business customers (individuals) that are interested in your products and services. For a lead to be legitimate, the expressed interest in what your business does must be shown. B2B leads will always contain the contact details for the business and the key person that you need to speak to, making it easy for you to rapidly close the sale and onboard your new customer.

You should now have a decent understanding of the difference between a B2C and a B2B lead. Getting to grips with the initial terminology and differences between leads can be the most difficult part of using them. You will begin to learn more about this as you continue your research and get through the initial process of buying or generating your own leads.
Difference Between B2B Leads and B2B Data
There is a massive difference between B2B Leads and B2B Data. One of the main differences is that B2B data is simply a list of businesses, with key contact details and information about these businesses. It sounds similar, but the B2B Data has not been warmed up previously. It’s very likely that when using B2B Data, the prospect will have no idea who you are or what you do. Whereas, the prospects from B2B Leads are going to know who you are, what you do and have interest.
From this, you can easily infer that B2B Leads have much more value than B2B Data, due to the potential sale being much closer to completion and are typically priced much higher when being sold.
B2B Data Lists
To give some more depth about what B2B data lists are, it should be reiterated that it is a database of information and contact details relating to businesses. These lists are typically purchased by businesses that want to sell their services to other businesses. Alternatively, B2B data is also routinely purchased by dedicated Lead Generation Companies so that they can quickly generate leads for their clients.
One of the main reasons why B2B Data Lists are used so frequently in B2B Lead Generation is because they’re incredibly versatile and can be filtered down by a variety of different factors. For example, down below are some of the most common ways that companies filter their B2B data when generating leads. Different datasets will contain different levels of information, with more information typically costing more.
- Geographical Area (Postcode, City, etc).
- Industry Type (ie. Lawyers).
- Number of Employees.
- Company Annual Turnover.
- Key Contact Job Role (Ie. IT Manager).
- Phone Number or Email Preference.
Leads and data both have their own unique set of benefits, with both being able to effectively propel your business forward if used effectively. Different businesses have different philosophies and approaches to how they conduct their lead generation. With some preferring to use B2B data internally to generate leads and others deciding to use a specific Lead Generation Company to source data and generate leads for them. The approach you use will be decided by your resources. You should have an in-depth analysis of your capabilities before making a decision.
B2B Data Benefits
Using B2B data internally to generate new leads may be more effective for you, if you already have a dedicated lead generation or sales team that can work through the data. This is because you can purchase huge volumes of data for considerably less than you would pay for B2B leads. This makes using data a more effective use of capital. Your team will then be able to generate huge numbers of leads, if they are good at their job and the data is accurate. The profit margins acting in this manner can be incredible.
B2B Leads Benefits
Alternatively, B2B leads may be a more effective option for you if you are a smaller company, with a smaller sales team. This is because you can purchase a comparatively smaller number of good leads, divide them amongst your small team of agents and ensure most of the conversations they’re having are sales closers. Whilst the leads are more expensive than the data, the added interest from the client ensures you are making effective use of your team’s limited time, when they wouldn’t necessarily be able to utilise economies of scale effectively using data.
What Other Types of Data Are There?
There are many other different types of data available on the market. Even within B2B data, you have many specific subsections of B2B data, typically based on industry-specific information. Some examples of these other types of datasets are B2B Energy Renewal Data, B2B Telecoms Data and B2B Insurance Data. As a result of this, it shows that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to buying data. Different datasets will be more valuable for some campaigns than others.
When you’re breaking down your next lead generation campaign, you should identify if you’re able to procure data specifically for your campaign. This ensures that you will get better profit margins from your investment into data. If you want more information about the types of data that are available, we have specific articles dedicated to B2B Telemarketing Data and B2B Email Data, along with B2B Energy Renewal Data.
You can also buy datasets for businesses and consumers in different countries, although you will be expected to abide by data protection laws of both the UK and the country of the data that you’re processing from. We go into more detail about data protection requirements further along in this guide.
B2C Data Lists
As previously mentioned, B2B and B2C data lists are very similar. With the main difference being that B2C data lists contain information on individual consumers. So, whilst the information contained within the data and the use case behind the data being different, the format and concepts are largely the same. Some of the differences between the two types of data are essential to know, however.
The primary differences between the datasets in terms of impact on your business, would be differing data protection requirements. Under UK rules, there are certain obligations to follow when processing both B2B datasets and B2C datasets. It is commonly found that the restrictions are much more stringent on consumer-related data. Due to the very personal nature of the information being processed.
The reason for investing in a B2C data list is the same as B2B lists. They can be incredibly valuable for any lead generation campaign. B2C datasets reduce the amount of time it takes to contact each prospect and it also allows you to add certain filters, in order to target specific customer profiles. This reduces the likelihood of calling people who would never need your products or services, which will only cause annoyance and frustration for your sales team and the prospect.
How Do You Get B2B Leads?
Lead Generation Methods
If you’re not in the market for buying leads, then you’ll need to turn to a more organic approach. We’ll go through some of the most effective ways to generate leads. There are a variety of different methods that you can use, depending on the skills of your team. If you are able to do it successfully, self-generating will usually be more cost-effective than outsourcing lead generation.
Aside from buying leads, or generating them yourself, some of the other common lead generation methods come from word-of-mouth/referral marketing. Although this normally only works if you already have a strong and loyal base of well-connected customers.
Because there are so many different methods of generating leads, we will take some time to go through some of the most common methods. This will help you to identify the methods of lead generation that will be the most effective for your business. Allowing you to pour your efforts into the most cost-effective measures.
Having a great website is one of the easiest ways to generate new business. If your website is functional and visually appealing, then you have the unique opportunity to achieve great conversion rates from website visitors. Combining these factors with a compelling Call-to-Action (CTA), will see you generate masses of leads. A CTA is a small section on a website that encourages the user to do something, usually displayed alongside products. For example, a boring one is “Buy Now” or “Call Us”.
As a result of this, you should make use of a great website developer in order to build a great website and implement an attractive CTA. This will directly contribute to the number of leads you’re able to passively generate.
SEO feeds into the last point. You can have a great website, but if nobody sees it, what’s the point? Devising and implementing an effective long-term SEO strategy for your website will allow you to steadily increase the number of website viewers you have over time. Providing you with a much larger pool of potential prospects. The higher a page ranks on Google, the more people are willing to click on it. More than 30% of users are expected to simply choose the first option.
One of the most cost-effective SEO tools is your website blog. By writing SEO optimised long-form content on a regular basis, Google will naturally see your site as more authoritative. You’ll also have more chances of getting backlinks from other websites on long-form content. This will also boost your SEO ranking. Which, as a result, will get you more leads to close.
Another aspect of SEO to consider is the Keywords you want to rank for. For example, if you’re a Telecoms company from Tamworth- you want to rank and target “Telecoms in Tamworth” as a Keyword. This will allow you to drive much more targeted traffic from individuals that are actually interested in what you have to offer.
Guest Writing
A good way to generate more backlinks to feed into your SEO, is to take part in guest writing. Guest writing is a marketing strategy where you would find a publication that accepts Guest Posts, such as Forbes. Once you’ve found your chosen publication, you’ll have to write an article that is relevant to the targeted audience of that publication. For example, Forbes would be for business and management related articles. In this article, you then may be able to include back links to your website, depending on the publication.
This is without accounting for the positive PR that you can generate from these activities. If you target the right publications, you should find your target audience there easily. When they read your article, if done well, you will build a degree of authority and trust with them. This makes it quite likely that they will consider using your business for their requirements, should they have any. Even if they don’t immediately, they’ll keep you in mind.
Social Media
Social media has rapidly become one of the most effective tools in any marketer’s toolkit, as it’s a veritable goldmine for leads. There are many different methods of content you can use to attract new buyers. For example, one of the most common social media marketing methods is to make use of paid advertisements, along with a brilliant promotional video or image. Most platforms will let you tailor your ads to your target audience, meaning the only eyes who see it are the ones you want.
You can also use social media to build up a loyal and energetic following for your business. Enticing viewers to follow your pages, allows you to then put out non-paid content- which your audience will share, expanding your overall reach. For example, a common type of content on business social pages are reviews by real customers.
Telemarketing is one of the most commonly used methods of lead generation. It involves purchasing data for your specific campaign and having your sales team call this data. The aim behind the calls is to convince the prospect to give your company a chance and explain how your products and services can help them. Telemarketing has great potential as a method, as it allows you to be more personal. Email or social campaigns can feel widespread and impersonal, whereas a phone conversation done well can build trust and a connection between you and your prospects.
Another benefit of telemarketing is that you can immediately identify common objections to your products and services. For example, you might be too expensive, or it might not actually be relevant to the person you’re talking to. Having this information allows you to inform your future sales approach. In addition to this, you’re more likely to actually get through to your target prospect when you call them, as an email or message can be more easily ignored.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most widely used methods of generating leads and for good reason. A well constructed email marketing campaign can achieve ROIs of more than £30 for every £1 that you spend. Despite this, constructing a good email campaign can be very difficult. Firstly, you will need to procure accurate email data to reach out to new prospects. Then, you will need to make sure that you are using a B2B email platform that accepts bought lists. These can be quite few and far between. Meaning, you will have to do your own research.
It’s not enough to just have good data and a good system either. When constructing your emails to prospects, you will need to make sure that your message is enticing, clear and doesn’t come across as spam, either to your audience or their email system’s spam filter. You will need to research copywriting best practices to get the best chance of success. Adding personalisation techniques to your emails will also help.
Marketing Campaigns
The final way we will look at how to generate B2B leads is through your own marketing campaign. We have partially already looked at this.

If you don’t know exactly what a marketing campaign is don’t worry. It is simply a plan of action to help a brand expand. There are also other kinds of campaigns. One is a media campaign designed to reduce negative news or to raise awareness of a new product or service.
What else is involved in a marketing campaign? Lots. They can be tailored to suit what your brand needs most. If that is social media exposure, the focus will be there. Or a new TV advert to reach family audiences. Developing a great website for your brand can be included as a part of a marketing campaign.
How can a marketing campaign generate leads? By making your brand known. That is the simple answer. The step-by-step process starts with the plan. Find out who you want to connect with. What kind of businesses are your possible leads? How does your audience behave online? What techniques will be most effective? Next, create the content and structure the plan according to what will work.
The phrase nurturing will come up a lot when you research marketing campaigns. This is because the aim is to get businesses interested. You want the businesses on your side, so they are potentially willing to work with you. If you want to learn more about marketing campaigns, take a look at our article all about it here.
Can You Get Specialised B2B Leads?
One of the main points about B2B leads that sets them apart from data is how much they can be specialised. This means that you can get B2B leads for a majority of campaigns that your business could possibly run. Down below are some examples of the types of B2B Leads that can be generated, but it’s not exhaustive.
- B2B Energy Switching Leads.
- B2B Telecoms Switching Leads.
- B2B Merchant Switching Leads.
- B2B Solar Install Leads.
- B2B Insurance Leads.
As stated before, you can also get very specific with your leads. For example, with B2B Energy Leads- you can make sure your target audiences only have certain characteristics. You can define what current supplier you want, how much energy the business uses, when their contract ends and more. This allows you to target your ideal customer profile.
The Benefits of Buying B2B Leads.
Now, you should be very aware of what B2B Leads are and the different methods used to generate them. From here, we’ll explain some of the most important benefits that you can gain from buying B2B leads as opposed to generating them yourself.

There are many reasons why you should take a chance on buying B2B leads, investing precious resources into it, especially if you’re struggling to get the sales results that you need.
Find and Close New Sales Opportunities
Another reason why B2B leads are so beneficial is the end game of profit. The main role of a business is to earn money. What you invest into generating B2B leads can come back to you through raised sales.
B2B leads are possible sales. So working on B2B lead generation is clearly going to increase your sales.
The profit not only comes from the sales provided by B2B leads but also from the expenses being cut. When you invest in B2B leads and generate leads, you save time elsewhere. A business could spend lots of time, money and resources trying to research its market. This is done to understand who the target audience is. Companies spend lots of time finding contacts that might be interested in the product or service.
When these two aspects of the business are taken away, time and money can be saved. B2B leads give time back to your business and your staff.
Scaling With Your Business
One of the best things about using bought B2B leads, is that you can scale your production to your needs. For example, initially you may only have capacity for a small number of leads. Then, as you convert deals and earn profit, you will be able to expand your internal team and the number of leads that you’re buying in. This flexibility will allow you to sustain continued growth. You’ll be able to ensure limited interruption to your business as well, because you won’t be going significantly over capacity.
Alternatively, this also works the other way around. If you’re finding that you can’t handle the volume of leads that are coming in, you can ask your provider to decrease the lead flow. This allows you to ensure that you’re not wasting leads by not contacting them in good time. Scaling back can also help you to identify whether things are actually working effectively.
If you’re going to work with a lead provider, then you need to make sure that you have the ability to scale your inflow rate with them.
Create New Opportunities
One of the final benefits of using B2B leads is the fact that they can create new opportunities. When you have a link with another business, things can arise that benefit both sides. For example, an opportunity to collaborate or combine forces over a single project could enhance the success of both sides.
One example could be if you work in the food industry. If you are just branching out beyond your shop or restaurant, to home delivery, bringing another business on board could cut your costs. Instead of purchasing a company car and hiring a new body of trained delivery staff, hire a delivery company.
If you have contact with a food delivery company from your B2B leads, you could provide them with business.
The same can happen the other way around. Another business that you are connected to, might have an opportunity perfectly fit for your business. New opportunities can come from having a good relationship with other businesses in your industry. B2B leads can create jobs and deals that otherwise would never come up.
These new opportunities can also help you expand. When you join forces with another brand, their customer base will get to know you. Your reach expands and your brand will gain more customers. There are endless possibilities for using B2B leads, so the benefits of lead generation should not be underestimated.
If you are still not convinced about why you should invest in B2B lead generation, it is simple. In the short term, it will be profitable in the end.
How To Make Sure You’re Buying Good B2B Leads
Now that you have a good understanding about the methods used in B2B Lead Generation and how it can benefit you. Next, we’re going to go through the methods that you can use to ensure that you’re actually buying good quality leads. This is because bad leads will be a massive money sink for your business.
Good B2B Leads Vs Bad B2B Leads
So, the question really is, what makes good B2B leads? For most business owners, they would simply say that these are leads which make them a profit. Despite this, there’s actually a lot more to consider. In order to actually make you money, the leads need to have good characteristics.
Good B2B Leads
Good B2B leads will be effectively and accurately tailored to your requirements. For example, if you want to target companies that use AXA for their insurance, then all of the leads provided to you should be AXA customers. Make sure that your provider can tailor your leads before going any further.
Good B2B leads simply will only come from reputable providers and a lot of lead related business is conducted digitally. It is a lot easier to be scammed or have the wool pulled over your eyes when not conducting business face-to-face. Good leads will come from providers with very positive reviews and a long-term history of being in business. Long-standing businesses with good reputations will have all the tools and skills you need.
Good leads will also make it easier for you to reach the key contact. They will already include the name of the person that you need to speak to, so when you ring the business, you need only ask for the named contact. This will save you a lot of time trying to find the right person. Good leads are meant to increase your sales efficiency and profit margins together.
The best leads you can buy are exclusive leads. These are leads where the prospect has been specifically told that your company will contact them and this lead will not be sold to any competitors. This means that you will already have authority with the customer and they will be more likely to respond positively to your interactions. You also avoid competing with other businesses for the prospect. This will improve your conversion rate.
Bad B2B Leads
Now that you know what good leads look like, we’ll go a bit into what bad leads look like. One of the first signs of a bad lead is incorrect information. For example, for energy, if the lead info states that the customer is with British Gas, but you find out they’re actually with SSE, this is clearly inaccurate. What this demonstrates is that the provider has not taken any steps to ensure the information they are giving is accurate. When this happens, there is a chance that the provider has simply faked the information without even talking to the customer themselves.
Furthermore, if you ring the customer and all of the information is correct, but they have no recollection of speaking to someone about your company, this is a red flag. This implies that the provider has not called the lead, but instead just provided you with a record of data at inflated prices. Sometimes, lead subjects will go through the whole process, having lied or withheld information. It’s the provider’s responsibility to ensure this does not happen.
Finally, you need to make sure that the way the provider is generating the leads is legal. For example, doing a TPS/CTPS check on the lead contact details can help you identify if the lead seller is calling TPS/CTPS numbers to generate the leads. This type of generation is illegal and you should never use these leads. Always query this if you see it and demand to see process documents.
GDPR and Legal Considerations for B2B Leads
Moving on from the subject of bad leads, you have to make sure that you’re using compliant leads or, if generating them yourself, doing it in a compliant manner. This section will be dedicated to explaining some of the most important GDPR and legal aspects relevant to B2B Leads. This guide will not contain all information, so you will need to do your own research. The ICO website contains a wealth of material around UK data protection requirements. Failure to do so, will leave you in a difficult situation.

Before conducting business with any lead provider, you will need to ask them for their compliance information. Down below are some of the key questions you should be asking your provider before going ahead.
- How do you generate the data to create your leads?
- Can you provide me with a copy of your privacy policy?
- If generated via phone, can you provide proof that you TPS/CTPS your data before generating leads?
- Can you provide copies of your Data Protection Impact Assessment and Legitimate Interest Assessment if relying on Legitimate Interest to process data?
Furthermore, you should be utilising the ICO checker before doing business with a company.
What Is GDPR?
GDPR and data protection more broadly, is something that you will constantly come across when working with both B2B leads and B2B data. GDPR stands for the EU General Data Protection Regulation and its iteration into UK law was brought in during 2018, as a replacement for the Data Protection Act 1998. These laws include a number of rules and principles that businesses must follow when they process personal data as a part of their business operations. Down below is a non-exhaustive example of some of the principles that you would be required to follow. You can find more information about these principles and rules on the ICO website.
Data Protection Principles
- To process personal data lawfully, fairly and transparently.
- Personal must only be collected for explicit and legitimate purposes.
- Data processing must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is required to fulfil the purpose.
- Data must be accurate and kept up to date when necessary and incorrect data must be corrected or deleted without delay.
- Data must not be held for any longer than is necessary to complete the purpose.
- Personal data must be processed in a robust and secure manner, protecting against unlawful or unauthorised use.
- You are responsible for and should be able to demonstrate compliance with the above.
The ICO has powers from the government to issue monetary penalties for non-compliance, in addition to demanding that your business put certain procedures in place. These penalties can be up to 4% of your global annual turnover, or £17.5 Million, whichever is higher. This highlights the potential severity.
GDPR and B2B Data
Whether you’re buying B2B data to run your own campaign, or you’re having someone generate leads on your behalf, you have a responsibility to ensure compliance. Even if you have been given assurances of compliance by your supplier- this does not cover your back. You must conduct your own thorough due diligence based on your internal policies. These policies should be constantly reviewed and amended as required. Failure to do so will leave both you and your supplier liable. If during the due diligence process, your supplier becomes difficult, cut them off immediately.
There are also some key differences between the rules governing B2B data, and B2C data. Generally speaking, there is a greater expectation of privacy and rights when using B2C data and many companies that fall afoul of data protection laws find themselves having done so by mishandling consumer data. Ensure that when you’re using a specific type of data, that you’re completely aware of your overall obligations.
For example, two recent high profile cases of the ICO taking action against businesses came from the ICO taking enforcement action against Outsource Strategies Limited. This company made over 1 Million calls to numbers registered on the consumer-based TPS. This resulted in 74 complaints and the ICO enforcement action was a £240,000 fine- along with other restrictions placed on the business.
It’s not just the legal ramifications that you’ll have to deal with though. The ICO regularly publishes reports on companies that they’ve found to be in breach of the GDPR or DPA 2018. These reports are publicly available and can significantly damage the reputation of your business. You’ll struggle to build a trusting relationship with your future customers if you’re seen as a company that disregards the law and rights of data subjects.
Illegal B2B Lead Generation
What does it mean for lead generation to be illegal? This generally means that the data which has been used to generate leads has been used illegally, or wasn’t legal in the first place. One of the most common methods of illegal lead generation is using telephone lists that have not been cleaned against the TPS/CTPS registers. This results in calling people that legally cannot be called and exposes you to huge potential legal ramifications.

This means if you buy leads that have been generated using TPS/CTPS numbers, you will be using illegal leads and you can face punishment, along with the company that provided them to you. However, just because your data is legal, doesn’t mean that the method used to generate the leads is legal.
The ICO sets specific requirements for contact conducted through telephone calls, emails and physical mail. For example, you cannot use automated messaging to make unsolicited marketing calls, you cannot make marketing calls related to claims management without specific consent and much more. Understanding these rules is key to ensuring that your lead generation activities are legal.
How to Get the Best B2B Leads
You’ll likely now be wondering how to get legal and high-quality leads to support your sales activities. The next step in your process is to find out how you can find a provider for the best leads.

When purchasing either data or leads, you need to check that it is generated in a GDPR compliant manner. So, you need to get the required legal documents showing GDPR compliance, check that the company is registered with the ICO and any data used has been checked for TPS/CTPS. This will narrow down your list and you should look at multiple providers to get the best results.
Getting multiple quotes will allow you to compare quality and prices. This allows you to get an idea of benchmarks and choose the best option for you, whilst considering your overall budget. This will also allow you to compare the professionalism and helpfulness of the various options that are available.
Make your decision based on which company has given you the best assurances and customer service experience. For example, if you struggled to get GDPR documents from a supplier, you may want to drop them and use another option. Another example would be, if you need a quick turnaround, you will choose the company that has gotten back to you in the best timeframe. If a company is slow before you’ve paid, they’re probably going to be slower after you’ve paid.
Customer experience is the most important thing. You need to know that the company isn’t going to treat you poorly once you’ve parted with your money. At AccuraData, we always make sure you’re happy with the quality of the leads we provide and how we conduct ourselves.
When Should A Business Work on B2B Lead Generation?
There are many factors which can influence your decision to buy B2B leads. One of the main reasons for companies deciding to take the plunge is that they don’t have the capacity to generate the leads themselves. For example, you might not have a massive sales team, or a lot of free man hours to spend generating leads. You may not have a dedicated marketing team for social and email campaigns. Despite this, you’ll still want to bring in more new business. This is a common situation where companies decide to buy B2B leads.
We’ve taken a look into how to identify good quality and the legal ramifications involved in using B2B leads. Now, you should feel fairly confident in your ability to look at various leads providers and choose one good for your needs. So, the best time to start if you have the need, is right now. The old proverb goes “the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now”. This applies similarly to leads. You won’t be able to develop your plan and future strategy without action now.
Don’t just choose the first provider you find either. Get quotes from a variety of sources and compare the commercials on price and asserted conversions. This will help you to ensure you make the right choice and avoid you falling into legal trouble, or having a bad experience.
B2B Leads at AccuraData
Once you know everything about B2B Leads, your next step will be making sure that you choose a great provider. When using AccuraData, your experience will be high-quality with consistent support on the backend. Great leads are built by great data and we’re experts in both. This means when you use our leads, you’ll experience industry-leading conversion rates.
Our name, AccuraData comes from the high accuracy of the data that we provide. We take stringent measures to ensure we comply with the UK GDPR and the DPA 2018. This means that when you’re working with us, you’ll never have to worry about compliance issues.
Cleansing Data for Clean Leads
So, we’ve gone over the fact that your data must be compliant with the law and that you must be registered with the ICO if you’re using contact data. It’s not enough to just do that and leave it though. Data must be regularly cleaned. This is because data changes constantly, named contacts leave, businesses register with the CTPS and businesses close down. This highlights the importance of consistently checking your data, because even if it was legal when you bought it, it might not be legal when you use it.

Furthermore, there are other aspects of cleansing. For example, common cleanses also include removing dead phone numbers and removing duplicate records from your data pool. You won’t be able to generate good leads if half of your phone numbers don’t work, or you call the same business multiple times due to duplicates.
Businesses are required to re-register themselves with the CTPS register every year and new entries are being added to the register all the time, which highlights the importance of cleansing your data. If you TPS/CTPS check your data and a person or business joins the register less than 28-days after you cleaned your data and you call them, you will not be legally liable. However, if it has been more than 28-days since your last cleanse, you will be liable.
Cleansing with AccuraData
Cleansing is one of the most important aspects of data quality. For example, you are legally required to TPS/CTPS check your telephone data every 28-days. With our team, we make the entire process simple. All it takes is for you to let us know what type of cleanse you’re looking for, we’ll then send you an invoice. Once you’ve paid, you can send your telephone numbers to us and we will run our checks. You’ll then have your file ready and sent back over to you within 24-hours. The data will have clear flags showing which numbers are clean and which aren’t.
Now that you’ve gone through this article, you should have a great understanding of B2B Leads. You should also know the main methods of generating your own leads. If you’re still unsure about leads, or you’re interested in finding out about the leads we offer, you can give us a call on 01905-814-007 or drop us an email on hello@accuradata.co.uk.
Alternatively, if you’re a bit more interested in the data side of things, you can read our complete Guide to B2B Marketing Data in 2024. This guide takes you through different types of data and how to find a great data supplier! We’re the UK’s number one option for B2B data, so whatever your requirement we’ll be able to help you.